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- PhD Program
Below are all of the forms machine learning Ph.D. students need to accurately plan their course load, take the qualifying exam, and set-up a defense. For more information about the machine learning Ph.D. program, visit the ML@GT Ph.D. website.
See above ML Handbook for details and procedures regarding forms. Note it is highly recommended to sign all forms requiring signatures through GT Docusign. If you need a word.doc version of a form, please contact the ML Academic Advisor.
Coursework Forms
- PhD Coursework Form (DOC - 2 minor courses)
- PhD Coursework Form (DOC - 3 minor courses)
- 2017-2020 PhD Coursework Form (DOC - 5 core/5 electives)
Doctoral Minor Forms
Both must be submitted after quals and before thesis proposal and require thesis advisor approval.
Qualifying Exam Forms
Details available for students enrolled in the CS 7999 Canvas site.
- ML Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Committee (DOC)
Thesis Proposal Forms
Please review ML Handbook for full procedures and requirements.
- ML Ph.D. Proposal Request (DOC)
- Ph.D. Admission to Candidacy Form (DocuSign) – Use ML Academic Advisor for the Graduate Coordinator fields. Make sure to note program as "ML - ECE" or "ML - IC"
Thesis Defense Forms and Institute Resources
Please review ML Handbook for full procedures and requirements.
- ML Final Defense Memo (DOC)
- ML Reading Committee Report (DOC)
- Graduate Eduation Thesis Deadlines
- Graduate Education Thesis Checklist
- Graduate Education Thesis Manual
Certificate of Thesis Approval (DocuSign - Institute form) - Use the Ph.D. Advisor in the “Chair, Thesis Reading Committee” field, and ML Academic Advisor for the Graduate Coordinator field. Make sure to note program as "ML - ECE" or "ML - IC"
Enrollment Waiver (DocuSign - Institute form)
Graduating ML Student Exit Survey (Qualtrics)
If you need additional information, contact Stephanie Niebuhr (ML Academic Advisor) at stephanie.niebuhr@cc.gatech.edu.